ERGC Covid-19 Club Safety Plan
Click Here for a downloadable .pdf copy of our ERGC Covid-19 Club Safety-Plan
Program Participation |
Facility Access: Drop Off/Pick Up - August 2020 Competitive Workshops |
To access ERGC programming at Edmonton Dance Factory, please adhere to the following procedures:
Address: Edmonton Dance Factory, 2764 Ellwood Dr SW #201, Edmonton
Facility Operations - August 2020 Competitive Workshops |
Elena’s Rhythmic Gymnastics Club is adhering to the maximum occupancy set by the facilities it rents:
Cleaning Procedures |
For the August 2020 Competitive Workshops, ERGC is abiding by the Cleaning and Hygiene Procedures as set by Edmonton Dance Factory. EDF’s Cleaning and Hygiene Procedures state:
In addition, for the regular season, Elena’s Rhythmic Gymnastics Club will:
Personal Hygiene Procedures |
For the August 2020 Competitive Workshops, ERGC is abiding by the Cleaning and Hygiene Procedures as set by Edmonton Dance Factory. EDF’s Cleaning and Hygiene Procedures state:
In addition, Elena’s Rhythmic Gymnastics Club has determined that:
Communication |
Elena’s Rhythmic Gymnastics Club will inform members (athletes, coaches, volunteers) of the new protocols (See Appendix 3) before their first practice, to foster confidence in the staff’s commitment to keep everyone safe. This will include information on club:
PLEASE NOTE: Insurance claims related to the transmission of COVID-19 will not be covered by RGA’s insurance policies. Prior to participating in any programming, all participants, parents/guardians, and club personnel must complete required RGA Waivers and Assumption of Risk Forms. |
Staff Training |
Screening |
Physical Distancing |
Scheduling of Activities |
Injury Protocol Requirements |
Illness Policy |
In this policy, “Team member” includes an employee, volunteer, participant, or parent/spectator. 1. Inform an individual in a position of authority (coach, team manager, program coordinator) immediately if, you feel any symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite. 2. Assessment a. Team members must review the self-assessment signage located throughout the facility each morning before their shift/practice/activity to attest that they are not feeling any of the COVID 19 symptoms. b. Managers/coaches will visually monitor team members to assess any early warning signs as to the status of their health and to touch base on how they are regarding their personal safety throughout the workday/practice/activity. c. If Team Members are unsure please have them use the self-assessment tool Alberta Self Assessment Tool or through the COVID-19 AB Support App self assessment tool. 3. If a Team Member is feeling sick with COVID-19 symptoms a. They should remain at home and contact AB Health Link at 8-1-1. b. If they feel sick and /or are showing symptoms while at work, they should be sent home immediately and have them contact 8-1-1 or a doctor for further guidance. c. No Team Member may participate in a practice/activity (in gym or outdoors) if they are symptomatic. 4. If a Team Member tests positive for COVID-19 a. The Team Member will not be permitted to return to the workplace/practice/facility until they are free of the COVID-19 virus. b. Any Team Members who work/play closely with the infected Team Member will also be removed from the workplace/practice/facility for at least 14 days to ensure the infection does not spread further. c. Close off, clean and disinfect their work/practice/facility area immediately and any surfaces that could have potentially be infected/touched. 5. If a Team Member has been tested and is waiting for the results of a COVID-19 Test a. As with the confirmed case, the Team Member must be removed from the workplace/practice/facility. b. The Public Health Agency of Canada advises that any person who has even mild symptoms to stay home and call the public health authority of Alberta. c. Other Team Members who may have been exposed will be informed and removed from the workplace/practice/activity for at least 14 days or until the diagnosis of COVID-19 is ruled out by health authorities. d. The workspace/practice/activity space will be closed off, cleaned, and disinfected immediately and any other surfaces that could have potentially been infected/touched. 6. If a Team Member has come in to contact with someone who is confirmed to have COVID-19: a. Team Members must advise their employer/coach if they reasonably believe they have been exposed to COVID-19. b. Once the contact is confirmed, the Team Member will be removed from the workplace/practice/activity for at least 14 days or as otherwise directed by public health authorities. Team Members who may have come into close contact with the Team Member will also be removed from the workplace for at least 14 days. c. The workspace/activity area will be closed off, cleaned, and disinfected immediately and any other surfaces that could have potentially been infected/touched. 7. Quarantine or Self-Isolate if: a. Any Team Member who has travelled outside of Canada or the province within the last 14 days is not permitted to enter any part of the facility and must quarantine and self-isolate. b. Any Team Member with any symptoms of COVID-19 is not permitted to enter any part of the facility and must quarantine and self-isolate. c. Any Team Member from a household with someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 is not permitted to enter any part of the facility and must quarantine and self-isolate. d. Any Team Member who is in quarantine or self-isolating because of contact with an infected person or in families who are self-isolating, is not permitted to enter any part of the facility. |
Outbreak Response |
Elena’s Rhythmic Gymnastics Club is committed to the following process in the event of a COVID-19 Outbreak:
Early detection of symptoms will facilitate the immediate implementation of effective control measures. In addition, the early detection and immediate implementation of enhanced cleaning measures are two of the most important factors in limiting the size and length of an outbreak. An “outbreak” is two or more cases; a “case” is a single case of COVID-19. 1. If a case or outbreak is reported, Elena Mager-Tetz will be the main point of contact for all parties. Elena Mager-Tetz has the authority to modify, restrict, postpone, or cancel any or all club activities. 2. If staff (including volunteers) or a participant reports they are suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 and have been at the workplace/activity place, Elena Mager-Tetz will implement enhanced cleaning measures to reduce risk of transmission. Elena Mager-Tetz may communicate with the facility operator to notify the facility right away. 3. Elena Mager-Tetz will implement the illness policy (see Appendix 2) and advise individuals to: a. self-isolate b. monitor their symptoms daily, report respiratory illness and not to return to activity for at least 14 days following the onset of fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite. c. use the COVID-19 self-assessment tool at AB COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to help determine if further assessment or testing for COVID-19 is needed. i. Individuals can contact 8-1-1 if further health advice is required and 9-1-1 if it is an emergency. ii. Individuals can learn more about how to manage their illness here. 4. In the event of a suspected case or outbreak of influenza-like-illness, Elena Mager-Tetz will immediately report and discuss the suspected outbreak with the Medical Health Officer (or delegate) at your local health authority. Implement your Illness Policy and your enhanced measures. If Elena’s Rhythmic Gymnastics Club is contacted by a medical health officer during contact tracing, all individuals associated with the club must cooperate with local health authorities. |
This document is based on Rhythmic Gymnastics Alberta’s Return to Sport Strategy and our Safety Plan can be found on our website. Further, our club is staying current with all requirements provided Provincial Health Offices, Regional Health Authorities, Alberta Health Services and RGA.
COVID-19 Updates
UPDATE August 5, 2020
Elena's Rhythmic Gymnastics Club is proud to announce that we are approved for reopening in-person classes by Rhythmic Gymnastics Alberta!
May 8, 2020
We are now offering online classes for Recreational Gymnasts! Classes are on Zoom every Saturday for different age groups! Email for to register!
Competitive gymnasts have been training through online without interruption since March 23! We hold 2 classes/week for each of the three streams and are so impressed with our gymnasts' commitment and growth during these times! Way to go!
March 18, 2020 4:00pm MST
Recreational Classes: All of our recreational programs are currently postponed. Members have been emailed in regards to next steps and future classes. We are currently keeping our "Spring 2020 Registration" open, without any obligation to pay of course, so that in the case the restrictions are lifted early and we are able to open classes this year, your spots will be safe and given priority.
Competitive Program: We are switching to video and distance-training for our competitive team and will proceed in this manner for as long as required. As a Club, we believe it is of utmost importance to continue supporting our gymnasts, not only for their physical health and well-being, but also to support them as part of our gymnastics family in this radically different time. We will do what we can to ensure that gymnasts maintain good physical form, keep moving, and prevent re-injury once we can resume training, as well as offer support and motivation, celebrate their successes and offer a continued sense of community.
March 15, 2020 9:30pm MST
Due to closures of Edmonton Schools and the Terwillegar Rec Centre, we in turn also need to cancel all of our classes for the remainder of the Winter Session (until March 21, 2020). As the closure of schools and rec centres is indefinite at this time, we are evaluating the best path forward, including what this means for the Spring Session. We will continue to keep our members informed via email. Thank you very much for your understanding.
March 13, 2020 3:30pm MST
The health of our gymnasts, their families and our coaches is a priority at Elena's Rhythmic Gymnastics Club. As such, we have proactively decided to cancel ALL classes (competitive and recreational) for Friday, March 13 and Saturday, March 14. A decision on the classes for the last week of the Winter Session, March 17-21, will be made by Monday. We will continue to keep our members informed via email. Thank you very much for your understanding.